MongoDB Upgrade 2.4 to 2.6 in Debian

When upgrading to the latest and greatest MongoDB (2.6) the first thing you have to do is run a check on your databases. Specifically the upgrade docs say:

To begin the upgrade procedure, connect a 2.6 mongo shell to your MongoDB 2.4 mongos or mongod and run the db.upgradeCheckAllDBs() to check your data set for compatibility.

Tightly constrained by the box, I wondered how I could install a 2.6 mongo shell on my Debian system without upgrading the whole shebang.. turns out there’s no need.. just download the tar version of MongoDB and run the shell straight from there..

$ curl -O
$ tar -zxvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.6.1.tgz
$ ./mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.6.1/bin/mongo

to run the check, you also need to be using the admin database, so..

> use admin
switched to db admin
> db.upgradeCheckAllDBs()

Checking database mydb1

Checking collection mydb1.coll1

Checking collection mydb1.coll2

Checking database mydb2

Checking collection mydb2.coll1

Checking collection mydb2.coll2

Everything is ready for the upgrade!

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